20th Anniversary Ale | Saint Arnold Brewing Company

ABV: 11.2%
IBU: 50
Style: Barleywine - English
20th Anniversary Ale Untappd Rating: 3.86765 / 6430
Out of Production
Description: For our 20th anniversary, we wanted to brew a beer that was both celebratory in nature and one that embodied our brewery. Much discussion went into what this beer would be. It should demonstrate our philosophy of balance, our love of malt, a generous but not palate wrecking amount of hops, and last but not least, showcase our house yeast. The determined goal: an elegant, complex barleywine. We are pleased with the results. The color is a deep burgundian brown with a tan, creamy head. The nose is spicy with malt and alcohol and an orange citrus hop note. Toffee and caramel flavors combine well with spice from a combination of the hops and the alcohol. The balance is perfect with the malt and hops tingling together in unison from start to finish. There is a slight lingering dry bitter that stays with you but this also complements the sweetness from the all malt grain bill that could easily have become cloying. On repeated tastes, and as the beer warms, a soft dark chocolate note starts to come forward adding to the interest of this beer. This beer is drinking very well today and should be exquisite on our 25th anniversary. We recommend aging cold for best results.
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