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Ghosts in the Forest 1 | The Lost Abbey

6.1%, American Wild Ale
IBU 0 | Rating 4.08

Track #8: The Number of the Beast 1 | The Lost Abbey

14.0%, Strong Ale - American
IBU 0 | Rating 4.28

Mind the Gap 1 | Uiltje Brewing Company

19.8%, Freeze-distilled Beer
IBU 75 | Rating 3.94

Mind Your Step Maple Edition 1 | Uiltje Brewing Company

14.0%, Stout - Imperial / Double
IBU 75 | Rating 4.12

Sequence Series #004 - Island Red Release 1 | Uiltje Brewing Company

12.8%, Red Ale - Imperial / Double
IBU 0 | Rating 4.11

Umbral Abyss 1 | Vibrant Forest Brewery

11.5%, Stout - Russian Imperial
IBU 100 | Rating 4.10