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Guz | Turnagain Brewing

ABV: 5.5%
Style: Lambic - Gueuze
Description: To celebrate our 4th Anniversary, we have made a special beer. Gueuze (not to be confused with Gose) is a blend of barrel-aged sour beer (Lambic) of various ages. To brew a uniquely Alaskan version of a traditional Gueuze, we followed the lead of the masters in the Old Country. Several times each year since we opened we make a simple sour beer using a generous helping of unmalted wheat from Vanderwheel Farms in Palmer. It is fermented using our house culture of wild yeast and bacteria wrangled from Anchorage Alder wood. Every few months or so, we would fill a barrel with this beer and tuck it away. This April, we pulled samples from each barrel and blended them to find the magic mix which best reflects the traditional flavor of Gueuze. We selected barrels of one, two, and three years of age to make an authentic, local version of this vanishingly rare varietal. Güz (which is how Belgians pronounce “Gueuze”) is our Fourth Anniversary beer! A small fraction will be available on tap, but the vast majority was bottle conditioned in heavy glass with cork and cage. This is the ultimate beer for cellaring as it only improves with age. It is light, bright, tart, and effervescent.
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