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Foreign Objects Beer Company | Monroe, NY

Micro Brewery
Foreign Objects Beer Company https://assets.untappd.com/site/brewery_logos/brewery-359022_87a38.jpeg Untappd Rating: 4.049 / 32717
Beer Count: 12
Description: Foreign Objects is the coalescence of a years-long ritual in evolution, philosophical self-definition, absurdist vision, and the unrelenting effort to improve our sensory experience of life. We exist in a universe of boundless capacity, yet we are bound to this brutish plane of existence; our struggle is to create and experience some modest degree of pleasure amongst our eternal suffering... Foreign Objects is focused on creating intensely aromatic New-American Hoppy Ales, mysterious and inspiringly complex Franco-Belgian Farmhouse beers, and subtle, earthy, unquestionably drinkable German ungespundet lagers. It's not a hot-air balloon, it's a space capsule falling to earth!
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