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Collage #2 2 | Deschutes Brewery

14.3%, Strong Ale - American
IBU 0 | Rating 4.29

Ol' Oi! 1 | Jester King Brewery

6.3%, Sour - Flanders Oud Bruin
IBU 0 | Rating 4.04

Foeder Gold 1 | American Solera

5.6%, Sour - American Wild Ale
IBU 0 | Rating 4.23

Money Blend (Batch 2) 1 | American Solera

6.0%, Sour - American Wild Ale

Foeder Apricot 1 | American Solera

5.6%, Sour - Ale

Montmorency vs Balaton (Blend 3) 1 | Jester King Brewery

6.7%, Sour - Ale
IBU 0 | Rating 4.48

Fantôme Del Rey 2 | Jester King Brewery

8.8%, Saison / Farmhouse Ale
IBU 19 | Rating 4.05

Super Ultramega Hyperforce 1 | Jester King Brewery

4.5%, Saison / Farmhouse Ale
IBU 0 | Rating 3.83

Old Dishoom 1 | American Solera

8.0%, Old Ale
IBU 0 | Rating 3.82

Holiday Open House 1 | American Solera

13.0%, Barleywine - Other