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beerxchange-test's Collection 4283
New York , New York
curated by: beerxchange-test

Total Value = $50,433.34
Members 0 Uniques 2736

Aquatone 1 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

5.7%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.90

Arrows of Neon (2020) 1 | The Rare Barrel

6.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.96

A Tale of Two Persimmons (2020) 1 | The Rare Barrel

8.2%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.12

Avec des Amis (2020) 1 | The Rare Barrel

7.1%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.28

Becoming (2017) 1 | The Rare Barrel

6.2%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.14

Befuddlement (2020) 1 | The Bruery Terreux

9.8%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.06

Best Maid Watermelon Pickle Beer 2 | Martin House Brewing Company

6.5%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.47

Bianca WWB Peaches & Cream 1 | Crooked Stave

8.5%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 0

Blackberry Squeeze 1 | Westbound & Down

6.3%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.07

Blackcap Raspberry (2015) 1 | Cascade Brewing

7.63%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.25

Blanc D’Blanc (Harvest 2017) 2 | Crooked Stave

7.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 15 | Rating 4.42

Blå Spøgelse 1 | Mikkeller

7.7%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.02

BLINDER 1 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

5.8%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.10

Blueberry (2020) 1 | Cascade Brewing

8.3%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.95

Blueberry (2020) 1 | Cascade Brewing

8.3%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.95

Blushing Star 2 | Amalgam Brewing

6.2%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.42

Bourbon Peach + Vanilla 1 | Westbound & Down

6.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.26

Boysenbarrel 1 | Amalgam Brewing

6.4%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.28

Bright For Days (2020) 1 | The Rare Barrel

6.1%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.18

Bulle Rosé 1 | Crooked Stave

5.5%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.96

BUTCHER 1 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

7.14%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 5 | Rating 4.17

Byeman 1 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

8.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.13

Can You Feel the PRRRT Tonight 1 | Drekker Brewing Company

6.1%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.14

Cherry Home, Sour Home (2018) 1 | The Rare Barrel

5.6%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.03

Creek (2021) 2 | The Rare Barrel

9.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.26

Crocodile Fun-Dee (2021) 3 | The Rare Barrel

7.1%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.23

CYGNUS (2020) 1 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

6.7%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.86

CYGNUS: Blend A 2019 3 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

6.7%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.02

CYGNUS: Blend B 2019 2 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

6.7%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.26

Drenched Peach 1 | Bruz Beers

7.8%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.72

Drenched Peach 1 | Bruz Beers

7.8%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.72

Examined At Leisure (2020) 3 | The Rare Barrel

7.4%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.30

Farmer's Reserve Citrus 1 | Almanac

7.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.11

Farmer’s Reserve Pluot 1 | Almanac

7.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.18

Farmer’s Reserve Pluot 1 | Almanac

7.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.18

Feed the Monster (2021) 2 | The Rare Barrel

7.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.02

Filmishmish (2015) 1 | The Bruery Terreux

5.6%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.26

FIREBAR 1 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

6.2%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.29

Fire In the Spout (2021) 2 | The Rare Barrel

7.4%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.10

Flying Lizard (2021) 2 | The Rare Barrel

7.9%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.04

Fruitful Wasteland (2021) 2 | The Rare Barrel

7.2%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.02

Fruit Squad + Nectarines 2 | Westbound & Down

6.3%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.00

Funky Raspicot 2 | Crooked Stave

6.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 15 | Rating 4.15

Ghost Note - O'Henry Peach (9/27/21) 1 | Casey Brewing & Blending

7.0%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 0

Gifted Branch (2020) 3 | The Rare Barrel

7.7%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 4.20

Guava Happens (2021) 3 | The Rare Barrel

7.1%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.93

HABU 1 | Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

7.1%, Sour - Fruited
IBU 0 | Rating 3.74